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Published: December 4th 2014

by: Caitlin Jackson


'Composting Leaves'

Put Your WasteTo Work

Re-purpose your kitchen waste into a compost to build bigger, better plants.

Nutrition and immunity: two essential ingredients to growing big and strong. You need them. Your plants are no different. Compost creates nutrient rich soil full of vitamins and microbes to help boost immunity. But your compost does more than feed your plants. It gives your waste back to the ground instead of in the landfill.


After months of adding waste. Mixing green parts and brown parts. Turning the pile. You've kept up a faith that this less than glamorous routine will put out something worth while. It doesn't stink like you thought it might. But the occasional hint of steam that arises from the pile, hinting at your creation, makes you look more like a mad scientist than a gardener. The fertile soil you create facilitates in the cycle of life. It adds structure to soil surrounding your plants. It holds water more efficiently. You've mimicked nature and produced a garden worth sharing.

Decomposition. One of mother nature's grandest inventions. Your compost recreates this natural process. In the trash, it gets compacted so tight with limited air or water. Instead of decomposing, it will sit indefinitely. Some waste management locations have managed to separate these materials and decompose them properly. Still, the cost is much less when individuals do it at home. The benefits of compost extend beyond the garden. Adding it to any soil keeps the ground and the earth healthy. Giving it nutrients to keep it thriving on its own.

'Compost Bin'

Give your food scraps new life. Give yourself a thriving garden!

  • Kitchen waste accounts for 25% of landfills.
  • Composting keeps waste down and enhances your garden's output.